The restoration of aged cars and motorcars with Suparchrome today is possible

Try the high resistance chrome effect paint of Newfantachrome

Who have got aged cars or motorcars knows how much care need these delicate “jewels”. Wear, time passing, weather phenomena or simply humid rooms can damage more or less seriously historical vehicles.

Furthermore it is by now very difficult to find spare parts as well as experts able to make maintenance of such a level, that does not end in ruin the aged car or motorcar.

In this Newfantachrome can help by shortly said innovative chrome effect paint, Suparchrome.

The paint Suparchrome, with 80% paint reflex ion and an incomparable chrome effect on the market, appears as the ideal paint generally for car care, but especially for restoration of aged cars and motorcars, characterized by an intrinsic value and prestige.

The paint Suparchrome in fact rises on the market as an ideal product restoration of aged cars and motorcars due to a series of features that we are going to explain.


For the restoration of your aged cars and motorcars trust in Suparchrome

The excellence of New Fantachrome International joins to the passion for aged vehicles

To care its own historical car or motor car often is different from the simple care of a material object; it is rather tied to a memory, to a dear person, a grandfather or a father. For this reason New Fantachrome International knows how much t is important for an affective value before all, to proceed to restoration of aged cars and motorcars in the best possible way.

It is for this that today we propose to sector’s lovers Suparchrome, a paint high resisting to weather phenomena, able to protect and care about your historical vehicle, bestowing that chromed effect sought after by many people.

The difficulty and sometimes the impossibility to find out spare parts, often bring people to have to renounce to restore his own car and let it exposed to wear, or even to trust in few skilled and wise hands.

All this will be by now overpassed if you submit your aged car or motorcar in the hands of Suparchrome: the chromed paint easy to use, fast drying, and excellent quality.